(615) 205-5540

Consulting & Risk Assessment

A proactive philosophy can reduce the risk of future ethical problems. Contact Ethics Law to discuss ways to limit the risk to your practice.

Auditing & Risk Assessment

Lawyers can sometimes get too caught up in the practice of law to pay close attention to the details of managing a practice. Ethics Law can perform a comprehensive firm audit which can reveal areas where improvement is needed to decrease the risks of an ethics complaint.

Conflict Analysis

Proactive analysis of concurrent and personal conflicts of interest can avoid the embarrassment of having to withdraw from a representation in the midst of an ongoing legal matter. I have addressed numerous conflict scenarios with attorneys across the state of Tennessee and am prepared to analyze and offer guidance to attorneys including the creation of any necessary conflict waivers.

Contingency Plans

Lawyers, and especially solo practitioners, need to have a backup plan in the event of a sudden medical emergency or death. Ethics Law can prepare the necessary documents which would allow another interested lawyer to step in the shoes of the affected lawyer and protect the firm and the firm’s clients from harm.

Law Firm Disputes & Dissolutions

Sometimes disputes within a law firm setting are inevitable. Whether a partner or associate leaves the firm or other legal entanglements arise, Ethics Law is available to assist with a meaningful resolution so that all parties can move on to the next chapter in their lives.